Dear Lincoln Learning Solutions Family,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe Independence Day and took some time to celebrate with family and friends. Summer is officially here.
Having wrapped up a satisfying 2018-2019 school year, we watched with pride as thousands of students earned their diplomas knowing we played a role in getting them to that milestone. Everyone should take a moment to appreciate the collective impact we had on these hopeful graduates.
Sooner than they could flip their tassels, we set our sights on the 2019-2020 school year. If we are to grow and succeed, we need to keep looking ahead, learning from the professionals who use our products, and adapting to their feedback. The countless hours everyone has committed to working with educators and listening to their feedback have resulted in products and services that keep us competitive and make a real difference in the classroom.
We can look forward to the next school year with enthusiasm. There is a lot to celebrate and be thankful for…not the least of which is our partnership with Evan-Moor and helping them mark 40 years of helping children learn. Congratulations!
We’re anticipating great things from our Sales and Marketing team as Rachel Book takes the reins and steers a multi-talented team to new levels. We’re also proud of our building and maintenance staff, who really took pride in the renovations and updates to our Rochester offices.
Congratulations to our IT staff and Academic Affairs staff for the successful migration of our content from SoftChalk to our patent pending “Wave CDMS.” To give you a sense of how this is a true team effort, you can read about the positive impacts the solution brings to our business from the two “business” folks who had such a big hand in making the new system happen.
Also, I would like to thank our HR and Accounting departments for rolling out our new benefits program and finalizing our 2019/20 budget. Great job!
Finally, we are fortunate to have the continued passion of our CAO John Theis as he remains with us through November of this year at which time he will become a consultant to help us move forward. During the transition, he will be working with me and others to help us find a replacement. I will keep everyone posted.
As the mercury rises, so do our efforts to grow, adapt, learn, and succeed. Remember, failure is not an option! Thank you for your continued dedication to our mission. Happy summer to all!