The Bridge

Behind the Scenes in HR

Written by Communications | Jan 11, 2019 3:15:00 PM

LLS Human Relations Director and all around make-it-work guru, Derinda Rivetti, sends a lot of emails because she’s got a lot to say. And it’s no wonder. Her team has to execute a lot of decisions from a lot of leaders and lawyers, whether it’s a conforming to a new federal law or providing additional benefits for employees.

Our hats off to them for playing a key role in our philanthropic efforts, especially as they heated up over the holiday season. From reminding staff about the United Way bake sale and breakfast fundraisers to wrapping presents for the Bradley Center and starting preparation for the big Martin Luther King Day celebration, it’s hard to imagine where they find time for anything else.

In the midst of a pretty hectic schedule, Derinda hopped on a plane to Monterey, California, to meet with the Evan-Moor team. Her mission: facilitate HR integration efforts. Derinda reports that her trip was a productive one, during which she went over topics like benefits, time off, insurance, savings plans and profit sharing. We are making headway as a new, blended family.

As we kick off the new year, a couple items are front and center for Human Relations. First, the team transitioned our 401(k) and profit sharing plans to Fidelity Investments as of January 1. They implemented the change to give everyone better planning options for the future. Some of the features of the new plan include:

Leading-edge, online planning tools, including online workshops, that take the guesswork out of saving for retirement.

Top-notch customer service from experienced Fidelity representatives who can answer any questions you may have about your workplace savings plan.

NetBenefits®, our online Fidelity account website, providing 24/7 access.

Easy-to-understand communications that provide personally relevant information to help you save more and make smart investments decisions.

In early February, the transition will be complete, and HR will let us know how to access and manage our accounts online or by phone. We will then be able to manage our accounts, track savings progress and move toward our financial goals online.

In the meantime, Brian Hamilton remains our advisor. If you have any questions, call him at (330) 595-1700 or email him at